The month of September has unfolded before me like a tapestry woven with all kinds of colors -- both muted and bright, most definitely variegated -- a month of challenges, setbacks and successes so far. I am still holding on to the notion that while the road may not always be smooth, my life is beautiful just the same...and the adventure continues!
After experiencing improvement in my overall condition, my health has taken somewhat of a downward turn which is a bit discouraging to say the least. A sudden recurrence and intensification of fatigue, pain, severe headaches, weakness, stiffness, and an overall sense of illness (all of which had improved markedly since my diagnosis) has plagued me for a few weeks now. My first thought was that I had somehow ingested something that was toxic to me. But what? And how long does it take to recover, anyway? I have been so careful!
So I went to my primary care physician, and discovered that I am indeed experiencing a Lupus flare. So what brought it on? Was it the brisket that I didn't know was marinated in beer that I ate at a wedding? Or are there other stresses in my life that have pushed my immune/inflammatory responses over the edge? We aren't sure, but Lupus has definitely raised its ugly head and invoked an inflammatory response that has taken me two steps backward instead of one step forward. However, I am determined to follow all the advice that the doctors are giving me, starting with learning to handle the stress in my life and taking each day as it comes with a positive, optimistic outlook.
As many of you know, my house is on the market and we are hopeful that a buyer will come along that will love it as much as we have. Preparing for the sale has been stressful in itself, since as a perfectionist I feel I have to make beds, clean, mop, & dust on a daily basis. But I am learning (sometimes the hard way) that my body needs rest more than my house needs to be immaculate. There comes a time in every one's life when we need to recognize that taking care of ourselves must be priority...everything else in life will eventually fall into place. It is inevitable. Nothing is suspended forever! All the worrying in the world will not change a thing - it only brings physical weakness, especially in a body that is already compromised. So I am going to eat right, take my medications (yes, even the dreaded prednisone with which I have had a love/hate relationship for many years), get lots of rest, and de-stress my life as much as possible. I intend to be the victor in this battle for my health!
I mentioned that there have been successes, and that is indeed a true statement. Gary & I are avid ballroom and country/western dancers. We got together on the dance floor, and dancing is one of our favorite things to do. Besides...I promised myself long ago (after having to relearn how to walk) that I once I was on my feet again, I would take every opportunity I could to dance until I can't. So I had a slightly better day last Friday, and since it had been many, many months since we were able to attend a dance, we decided to make our way to the LMRA dance in Fort Worth to listen to Trey and the Tritones. What a delightful evening we had! We started out at Mimi's Cafe, one of the few restaurants that truly cares about their patrons with food allergies and Celiac Disease. Darby, our waitress, was a jewel, taking special care to ensure that I received a fabulous meal with nothing that would make me sick. Then we were off to hear Trey and his band. While it would have been enough to simply sit and listen (albeit with my toes tapping constantly to the music), I actually made it onto the wooden floor as a couple of my dance buddies and my loving husband "gently" danced with me. From dinner at a great restaurant to relaxing to music from the Big Band era...definitely an evening worth remembering!
Speaking of restaurants, we are always looking for recommendations for places to eat and my sister Andrea has definitely found such a place. Imagine having the best chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy (or yummy baked potato), veggies & dessert...all on a gluten-free diet! That is exactly what she received when her husband took her out for her birthday at the Ranchman Cafe (formerly Ponder Steakhouse) in Ponder, TX. All the owner of this establishment needs is some advance notice, and he will put together a gluten-free meal fit for a queen (or king). Check out their website for more details!
Since I spend a lot of time at home and am trying to expand my culinary horizons, I am proud to say that I have also had success in the kitchen, much to the delight of my taste buds. My daughter Aimee gave me a recipe for Skillet Fudge that she found via a book called The Road to Health (to access the Road to Health website, click here) that is absolutely fabulous. If you have to watch your sugar intake (NO refined sugar in this recipe, no sir!) but love chocolate, you will LOVE this recipe! Another success in the kitchen came as a pleasant surprise when I tried the Gluten-Free Pineapple Upside Down Cake posted on the Living Without website. For an afternoon snack or quick anytime dessert, give this one a try...mmmm, mmmm good!
That's it for now...hope to see you again soon,
Kathie Lea
Gluten-Free and Living Well - It's an Adventure!
Come walk with me on my journey toward better health with a gluten-free, dairy-free, lifestyle change for is sure to be an adventure!

Welcome to my blog...I am happy you are here! I hope this site will grow in time, and will be beneficial to you as you follow your own path to better health. Please feel free to relax a while and spend a few minutes with me as I share my gluten-free adventures with you!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
August Heat
It's hot here in North Texas...really hot. In fact, we have succesfully reached 59 or 60 days of temperatures greater than 100 degrees since summer began, with a few of those days breaking long-held records. Oh...and no rain to speak of in weeks. We are definitely a parched, dry land. I am blessed in that I don't have to get out in the heat much, which is a good thing. But Gary works in the heat, and he has learned some tricks of the trade over the years to ensure that he doesn't suffer heat exhaustion (or worse). Though he comes home looking wilted each day, he has that ever-present smile on his face and never complains. Amazing.
I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the things he has told me about getting out in the heat and protecting yourself from injury. Whether or not these suggestions are supported scientifically, I really couldn't say. But I do know that he is healthy and strong, so he must be doing something right!
I recently entered a Pacific Natural Foods giveaway contest on a blog I follow, Glugle Gluten Free. Since I rarely, if ever, win anything, I was amazed when I actually won! Within days, I was delighted to find a large box of goodies on my front porch that included all kinds of organic, gluten- and dairy-free soups, almond milk, and flavored almond milk. All in all, it was quite a nice gift. A huge THANK YOU goes out to Tia with Glugle Gluten Free and to Pacific Natural Foods for making my adventurous summer even better!
One of my favorite blogs is Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom, and I find myself following it almost religiously. Heidi has a great way of capturing your attention and blending all sorts of fun stories, recipes, and research into one site that is truly helpful, especially to gluten-free newbies like me that are searching diligently for informative websites. Heidi visited HealthNOW Medical Center too, and has explained some of her personal test results beautifully. Rather than try to muddle through the explanations of my tests and their results, I have decided to repost her recent blog because it was so helpful to me and because she has taken hours (5 months to be exact) to research her posting and I know the information is accurate. I hope you enjoy!
Until next time,
Kathie Lea
I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the things he has told me about getting out in the heat and protecting yourself from injury. Whether or not these suggestions are supported scientifically, I really couldn't say. But I do know that he is healthy and strong, so he must be doing something right!
- Wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15...better yet, try a sunblock, SPF 45 or 50. He is fair skinned and never burns so I can safely say that the stuff really works.
- Be sure to wear a hat. A cap is good, but a hat is better, especially if you are out in the sun for any length of time, because the brim covers a wider area and gives your face and neck much more shade.
- Drink lots of water
- Believe it or not, tomato juice or V-8 juice is GREAT for replacing potassium and other vitamins and minerals that you lose when you sweat. Gary starts each day out with a hearty glass before he ever faces the heat. Gatorade and other vitamin waters are also good.
- Remember to take breaks and eat. Don't let your blood sugar drop too is important to keep your sugar in balance
- Drink lots of water
- Oh yeah...drink lots of water! :-)

One of my favorite blogs is Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom, and I find myself following it almost religiously. Heidi has a great way of capturing your attention and blending all sorts of fun stories, recipes, and research into one site that is truly helpful, especially to gluten-free newbies like me that are searching diligently for informative websites. Heidi visited HealthNOW Medical Center too, and has explained some of her personal test results beautifully. Rather than try to muddle through the explanations of my tests and their results, I have decided to repost her recent blog because it was so helpful to me and because she has taken hours (5 months to be exact) to research her posting and I know the information is accurate. I hope you enjoy!
Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom - Cyrex Labs Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-reactive Foods
Until next time,
Kathie Lea
Monday, August 22, 2011
Fighting Fatigue - And WINNING!
Discovering the root cause of my conditions has been the first step to my recovery, and that has meant extensive state-of-the-art lab testing, with lifestyle changes and treatment based on the results. As I have mentioned before, my first labs indicated several problems, including gluten and other sensitivities, pancreatic insufficiency, and a genetic disorder that keeps me from absorbing and utilizing folate, iron, and the B-vitamins. I have begun to tackle these challenges by taking one day at a time, religiously following a gluten-free/dairy-free/sugar-free diet, and implementing a treatment plan that includes nutritional supplements - actions that appear to be somewhat successful so far, especially in regard to my digestive challenges.
However, fatigue, pain, and lack of body mass/inability to gain weight continue to be my ever-present companions, so there has seemed to be a missing piece of the puzzle, vital to my well-being, that I was looking for but hadn’t found yet. I anxiously waited for results to my adrenal function tests so that I could complete that part of the puzzle. Well, the results finally arrived, and revealed that my Cortisol levels are all over the board (from too high to too low), my DHEA levels are too low, the Cortisol/DHEA ratio is elevated, and the combination of those factors has resulted in a condition called adrenal fatigue (not to be confused with adrenal crisis or Addison’s disease, although the first can lead to the latter if ignored). I am currently taking Adrenal Support, DHEA, and Pregnenalone supplementation every day, and am working hard to adhere to the diet plan that my doctor has recommended.
I suspect that there are many others out there that are experiencing some of the same symptoms I have had, and while the mainstream medical field continues to debate the validity of this condition, you have been totally baffled as to what has been wrong. Keeping that in mind, I purposely haven’t posted anything about it yet because it has taken me some time to research the subject so that I could a) understand my own condition and b) explain exactly what having adrenal fatigue means. In order to begin, we must first understand the purpose and function of the adrenal glands.

I have been working with Dr. Rick to correct my adrenal fatigue, and he told me that many things can put stress on the adrenal glands, eventually overwhelming a healthy body and causing organ or system malfunction. The most common stressors are allergies (food and airborne), lack of sleep, low blood sugar/poor diet, chronic pain, anxiety/emotional stress, and chronic infection. Once the adrenal glands have been overwhelmed and systems begin to malfunction, the resulting symptoms can be devastating.
I have spent many hours looking for answers and researching via the web, and I ran across some great information on the Point of Return website. Because I recognized myself in their table of signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue, I thought I’d share it here:
Body Type | Mild: gains weight easily Moderate: can’t lose weight Severe: thin, can’t gain weight |
Face | Eyes and cheeks sunken |
Eyebrows | Tend to be full |
Tissue surrounding eye | Sunken appearance, may have dark circles |
Facial coloring | Tendency to pallor, particularly around mouth for fair skinned, darkens around mouth, forehead and sides of face for dark skinned |
Hair | Thin, straw-like or straighter; dry; falls out easily; sparse on forearms and lower legs |
Nails | Thin, brittle |
Skin | Dry; thin; finger-prints often “smoothed out” or flat/shiny; may have longitudinal wrinkles over finger-pads, possibly from low collagen levels |
Fluid/Secretions | Little secretions; can’t hold onto water |
Ligaments, tendons | Lax ligaments, flat feet or double jointed; joint sprains/strains common |
Pigment | White spots or patches; sometimes tan too easily; in dark skin – darker on forehead |
Eyes | Light sensitivity |
Pain | Headaches; migraines; muscle pain; carpal tunnel |
Temperature Pattern | Hot when it’s warm and cold when it’s cool; poor thermo-regulation; tends to have low body temperature (around 97.8 or lower); fluctuation pattern |
Temperature issues | Almost always cold intolerant |
Extremities | Cold hands and feet |
Sweating | May be excessive in early phase; poor in late phase |
Immune Function | Tendency to over-react which results in allergies, sensitivities, autoimmune issues |
Anxiety | Almost always present |
Sleep Patterns | Insomnia or light sleeper common |
Cognitive Function | Poor focus, concentration, brain fog |
Energy | Fatigue/exhaustion; “wired and tired”; low motivation |
Exercise | Often causes fatigue |
Blood Pressure | Tends to run low (from 80/50 at low end to 110/70 at high end) |
Dietary Habits | Often leans toward being vegetarian |
Digestion | Often difficulty digesting meat or proteins; some foods troublesome |
Bowel Function | Tendency to be irritable or hyperactive |
Food cravings | Sweets, carbohydrates, soda, black licorice |
Blood sugar | Tendency to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) |
After reviewing the table above, you too may recognize yourself in some or most of the categories listed. So what should a person do once they suspect that they have adrenal fatigue? First, work with your physician to determine for sure by getting adrenal function lab testing done. Once you have the results, coordinate your treatment plan with your physician and focus on getting your health back.
In addition to a tailored treatment program, there are other things you can do to help:
§ Eat organic, fresh foods, including lots of lightly steamed or raw vegetables
§ Eat regular meals, preferably small amounts, every 2 hours. It is VERY important that you do not allow your blood sugar to go too low and that your levels remain balanced throughout the day.
§ When consuming carbohydrates (whole foods), be sure to combine them with protein such as nuts and seeds, fiber, and oils such as olive, flax, and high quality omega-3 fish oil
§ Drink plenty of water (½ your body weight in ounces per day)
§ Work with your physician to add nutritional supplements such as magnesium, zinc, coQ10, etc.
§ Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours)
§ Reduce stress
§ Skipping meals
§ Fasting
§ All refined sugar, chocolate, hydrogenated fats, refined carbohydrates and junk foods
§ Eating carbohydrates by themselves
§ Caffeine, alcohol, sodas, juice
§ Artificial sweeteners (Stevia is okay)
§ Foods that you react to or are allergic to (Keep a food log)
§ Stress
The human body is an intricate, creative masterpiece, beautifully designed to heal itself. It is up to us to take care of our bodies and nurture them; and I am very hopeful that you and I will continue getting better…one day at a time.
Well, I’ve spent some time this week searching for recipes and found a tasty meatless chili recipe on, pictured here with my Savory Herb Crackers and modified to suit my tastes and dietary needs. Check it out on my Favorite Recipes tab…I hope you enjoy it!
See you soon!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Life's Constant: Change
Life as we know it has continued to evolve, and the adventure – though different – continues! As I have mentioned before, Gary has been self-employed for years, and we have relied on my employment for insurance coverage and other benefits. Since I am no longer working due to health concerns, we have been praying for provision, trusting God for all we need. Recently, someone who has been praying for my health and well-being asked me how they could pray specifically for Gary, and I replied that we are simply asking God for work.
Within hours, Gary received a call asking him to consider going to work full-time for a company as the Facilities and Maintenance Supervisor…a position that would utilize his remodeling skills and talents and provide the security, stability, and benefits package we need. Since this offer was totally unsolicited, we knew it to be an answer to prayer. Though it will take a move of faith on our part in that we will be relocating to a new community, Gary eagerly accepted the position, knowing that God will take care of all the details. Now all we are asking is for God to bring us a buyer for our home, and to direct us to just the right home in the community to which we will be relocating. It is wonderful to see how God continues to move in our lives. He has proven Himself faithful time after time, and we have no doubts He will do so again.
I am happy to say that am finally off my super-restricted diet and am now on a restricted diet (sans the “super” delineator), much to the complete delight of my culinary palate. Who knew that so many delicious foods could be enjoyed on a restricted diet? I read a post on someone else’s blog site that said that it is bondage not to be able to eat whatever we want, and that making such a huge lifestyle change is not worth the trouble. I totally disagree! To live a full life of good health is so important to me that I read labels on everything before I buy, and even check and double-check the items I have in my pantry BEFORE I put a single morsel of any of it into my body. I am learning much about the importance of finding hidden gluten, dairy, and refined sugars, knowing that if I miss them and ingest any of it, I am going to be really sick. I’ve been there, done that, and I don’t want to do it again!
Life is full of change, so let's sit back and enjoy the ride! |
There is an old saying that keeps my feet on the ground and helps me adapt when the unexpected comes my way, and that is, “The only constant in life is change”. Well, that has certainly been the case in the Bradfield household! Two precious babies…a great-granddaughter and a great-niece…have made their arrivals; our daughter has married the love of her life; a friend’s child has been laid to rest; and lessons have been learned through it all. The example of a 12 year old whose life was taken all too soon is well worth setting forth here: love with all your heart, then tell those you love that you love them; grab each moment of life & capture all you can from it; smile…a lot; run through the halls laughing; anticipate the needs of others and ACT on them; spread joy to all who know you.
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Tell those dear to you that you love them! |

Getting the house ready to sell has taken up some of my time and energy, but I have managed to try out new recipes. The time spent in the kitchen has been a mixture of fun and frustration, but I must say that it has been more fun than frustrating. I am pretty picky, so I have Gary taste everything for me; for him to give me thumbs down on something means it is really bad, and, I will admit, some have been awful disasters that ended up in the trash. BUT others have been a terrific success, and it is with delight that I share them here. So check out my “Favorite Recipes” page and try some of these out…you’ll be glad you did!
Until next time,
Kathie Lea

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